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As of July 2021, Cape Fear Heating & Cooling will not longer be operating under this name. Instead, we are proud to announce Smith & Sons Heating & Cooling is our new name.
Some of our work
Our Men Working Hard
A sweet thank you from our customers
Keeping it looking great
Some of our work
Doing our best
Daine and Charlotte Smith at a Fundraiser
Some of our handy work
Great Ouality Products
Corey finding the right part
Having fun at our Fundraiser
A thank you card from our customers
Thank you card from our wonderful customers
Putting in just the right area for the best performance
Daine Smith, Owner of Cape Fear Heating & Cooling, LLC
Thank You!
Let the race begin
Thanks Again
Cut Off Switch
Some of our work
Yellow Book Ad
So Sweet!
Our office manager promoting our products
Great Racer!
Our Team at lunch, Melvin's is such a great place
We love notes like this
Notes of Graditude
Putting cool in school
Starting to look like Christmas
Our team working hard
Shaggy Supervising
Really old Rheem Unit
Junior the Elf putting out our ornaments
Work.. Work... Work...